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Different Types of Radiography (Toshiba Ultrasound Probe)

Radiography is a broad term that covers multiple subgroups of medical imaging. All radiography allows doctors to look inside your body at the underlying tissues and organs to determine if there is a problem. Nearly everyone has had a chest X ray at some point in his life, although  can be taken of nearly every part of the body.  are good for looking at dense calcified structures in the body, such as bones. In fact, when you go to the emergency room because you fell and are afraid that you broke your wrist, an X ray of the hand and lower arm is the most likely test to be done. Toshiba Ultrasound Probe are safe, and the amount of radiation exposure is minimal.Computed Tomography (CAT scans, CT scans)Computed tomography, also know as a CT, is a specialized form of X ray. In this test, you will lay on a table that faces a special array that looks like a large donut. When the test starts, the table will move through the donut as the images are collected. This test creates cross sectional images that a radiologist is able to scroll through to get detailed images of internal organs. CT scans are exceptional tools for emergency procedures because they are quick. A full body CT scan can be completed in a matter of minutes, and it is effective for looking at organs and discerning whether there is internal bleeding. In certain instances, contrast material can be given by mouth or in a vein through an IV so that certain vascular or gastrointestinal structures can be better visualized.Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is similar in nature to a CT scan in that the images obtained are cross sections of the body. When having an MRI, you must lay flat on a table that will move you into and out of a large tube. This tube is constricting, and patients that suffer from anxiety have difficulty with MRIs, which take an hour or more to complete. But there are some distinct advantages to putting up with this test, as the image quality is excellent. MRIs are exceptional for looking at soft tissue structures, such as the brain. This probe sends sound waves into the body and then retrieves the sound waves that are bounced back from the internal organs. The machine then constructs a picture based on these retrieved sound waves.  might be called by different names, depending upon the type of imaging; a sonogram is an ultrasound specifically for looking at a fetus, and an echocardiogram is an ultrasound of the heart.